Empowering SMMEs:
Comprehensive Training and Due Diligence Services for Unmatched Growth
Liquid Intelligent Technologies launched a groundbreaking programme to deploy an optic fibre network across the Eastern Cape province, aiming to propel digitization forward.
In implementing this ambitious project, Liquid Intelligent Technoligies has strategically partnered with the Cortex Hub. In the partnership, the Cortex Hub serves as the implementing agency for a local enterprise and supplier development programme called Liquid Fibre TechCelerate Programme. This partnership leverages the expertise of the Cortex Hub to facilitate the business development of the local SMMEs (enterprises and suppliers) through the Liquid Fibre TechCelerate Programme.
Our Mission and Objectives
This initiative is set to transform the opportunities for 20 enterprises and suppliers involved in optic fibre installation by offering them comprehensive and sustainable business development and ICT training. The programme, designed to enhance their capabilities in crucial areas of today's business landscape, seeks to prepare these enterprises for success in the digital economy.
Training Methodology
The Liquid Fibre TechCelerate Programme ensures:
A blended learning approach that combines theoretical knowledge with hands-on practical training.
Expert instructions through the qualified trainers with extensive experience in the various modules to be covered through out the duration of the programme.
Practical assessments where the SMMEs will be assessed on their practical skills through simulated and real-world scenarios.
Entrepreneur support by providing business development training programmes which are used to sustain the SMME post the project and enable their growth.